How to control


■ About "NORUHITO i"

By jumping onto blocks coming from the right and left sides,

aim to go up as high as possible.

■ How to play

Start a game by pressing the "jump" button.

Blocks, birds, and some other items appear from both sides of the screen.

Press the "jump" button to jump - it is possible to adjust the jumping
force depending on how long the button is pressed.

It is also possible to float in the air for a limited time by pressing
the button while falling.

But if you use this function and float in the air too much, you cannot
jump for a while after that.

You can check the balance of the piled blocks with the meter on the top
of the screen.

When the meter indicates completely either to the left or right side,
the piled blocks collapse, and the game ends.

If you pile a block to have the meter indicate toward the middle,

you will get evaluated as "GOOD"

and then get 1 meter extra as a bonus.

If you pile a block to have the meter indicate far closer to the middle,

you will get evaluated as "GREAT!!"

and then get 2 meters extra as a bonus.


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